Understanding Strata When Purchasing a Condo

Understanding Strata when purchasing a condo is crucial .A Condo is defined as an individual home. It usually has a shared access, unlike townhomes which generally have their own private entrance. Condos are most popular as a starter home for young professionals, small families and singles. Condo living appeals to Seniors who are looking for [...]

Home Staging & Preparing Your Home to Sell

During my 38 years of selling real estate I have discovered that just a few small changes can create the visual impact needed for effective home staging and preparing  your home to sell. Implementing just a few professional ideas can make the difference between whether you attract a good offer or not. Here are some [...]

Tips for Sellers Pricing a Home for Sale

Having decided to sell your home, it is imperative to set the right listing price. It is important that you make an informed decision based on current market values.  This is one of the most crucial points when selling. Pricing Too Low You may feel that you will cheat yourself out of thousands of [...]

2019-03-13T17:09:27-07:00By |Real Estate Tips|

Homes Thieves Target

Did you know that less than 15 percent of residential burglaries are ever solved? Those are very scary statistics! Perpetrators who were never caught, can just keep doing it--and perfecting their craft. But, there are things we can do to discourage home burglary. Most of us work very hard to earn a living. If [...]

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