11 Tips to Avoid Holiday Theft and Keep Your Family Safe

The holiday season is almost here! The radio is playing our favorite Christmas carols. People are decorating and hanging their lights in preparation for all the joyful Christmas festivities with family and friends. Unfortunately, while we are happily decorating and adding to our Christmas lists of what to do and buy, there are burglars casing your [...]

2019-12-27T19:44:35-08:00By |Home maintenance|

Home Staging & Preparing Your Home to Sell

During my 38 years of selling real estate I have discovered that just a few small changes can create the visual impact needed for effective home staging and preparing  your home to sell. Implementing just a few professional ideas can make the difference between whether you attract a good offer or not. Here are some [...]

Prepare the Outside of Your Home For Winter

Cold weather is on the doorstep! So this is the ideal time to prepare the outside of your home for the cold months ahead. I have prepared a checklist of 10 things to make it easier to prepare for the onslaught of winter. 1. Store Patio Furniture Clean your patio furniture well (including cushions) before [...]

2019-01-21T18:12:11-08:00By |Home maintenance|

Exterior Home Maintenance Tips for Spring

"You will need to be thorough about the completion of your exterior home maintenance 'to-do' list  for the spring season. Being vigilant  about inspecting your home for damage caused by extreme weather conditions will help to preserve the value of your home. Doing home maintenance consistently, whenever the seasons change, will make your job [...]

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