Now that it is Spring, I am even more aware of the air quality in my home. Maybe it is because the house has basically been closed up all winter when it was too cold and wet to leave windows open. Part of  Spring cleaning should always include  cleaning  your air ducts.

There is no better way to ensure good air quality to protect our health than getting rid of all those nasty allergens; dust particles, hair, animal dander, dirt, cobwebs, pollen and dead insects that collect over time. Moisture accumulated over the winter months can contribute to mold spores forming in the ducts, too. Yuck!

 There are chronic health conditions associated with mold exposure, including asthma, allergic rhinitis and even pneumonia. Evidence points to a link between indoor mold exposure and upper respiratory tract symptoms, such as a cough, and wheezing chest in otherwise healthy people.

In addition to all the health benefits to be gained by cleaning the air ducts in your home, cleaning the air vents and ducts will increase the efficiency of your heating and air conditioning.

Here is a quick and uncomplicated list to Clean your Air Ducts:

  • The first thing to do is turn off your power for the heating and air conditioning.
  • I advise that you use a mask or tie a scarf over your nose and mouth while cleaning your vents.
  • Use a screwdriver to undo the duct and vent covers from the walls. Use a handheld brush to clean the visible dust and dirt. I use soap and water afterwards to get them really clean.
  • Use a vacuum with a long hose to reach deep into the air ducts. If you do not own a really good, high-powered vacuum, you may even want to rent a heavy duty vacuum. Thoroughness is extremely important as there are serious health hazards in this confined area.
  • Use a broom to clean the dust in your ceiling grills, and if you’re REALLY ambitious— a ladder and some soap and water will get rid of all dust and residue on grills.
  • Remember there are qualified professionals you can hire to perform this service, if you wish.

Now, congratulate yourself on a job well done. This kind of attention to the air quality in your home environment is just one more way we show love to our family. There is nothing more important than protecting their health.