Understanding Strata When Purchasing a Condo

Understanding Strata when purchasing a condo is crucial .A Condo is defined as an individual home. It usually has a shared access, unlike townhomes which generally have their own private entrance. Condos are most popular as a starter home for young professionals, small families and singles. Condo living appeals to Seniors who are looking for [...]

Fraser Valley Sales Drop, Home Prices Too?

Okay my friends, we all know that the world is a little bit crazy these days. The whole economy is in a constant state of flux. We live in one of the most beautiful locations in the entire world! We pay dearly for the privilege too! Real estate prices went sky high in the [...]

2019-01-14T19:43:13-08:00By |Downsizing, First Time Homebuyers|

Is Summer The Best Season To Be Selling Your Home?

Who doesn't love summer? It is the season of warm weather, vacations and a laid back lifestyle.  We all look forward to the arrival of summer every year. But is summer the best season to be selling your home? Most families try to find a house in the summer months and try to be [...]

Joan Hansen’s “What To Know – Before You List”

1. I know that selling your family home can be an extremely emotional experience for everyone involved. Your home holds so much treasured history. The marks showing the children's height measurements on the laundry room door frame, memories of all your sweet pets and all the birthday and Christmas celebrations. The neighbors you will [...]

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