2410 4000 No 3 Road Richmond, British Columbia V6X 0J8


This business specializes in exchanging currencies and buying/selling cryptocurrencies. You can buy the whole business or just a part of it (shares). It comes with everything you need to get started, including the Binance account, MSB license and a list of existing customers. This is a great opportunity to own a growing business in a fast-growing market. Please contact listing agent for details. Serious buyers only please. (id:12562)


Business Type Service
Business Sub Type Miscellanous services

Property Details

MLS® Number C8066798
Property Type Business



Acreage No


Contact Us

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Sandy Li

(604) 754-0722

Unilife Realty Inc.
#100 - 1200 West 73rd Avenue
Vancouver, British Columbia V6P 6G5

(604) 232-0843
(604) 232-9571

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