CANNABIS CHAOS Put down that Mistletoe! PAY ATTENTION! You need this information immediately! Unfortunately, we have not been properly informed about the down side of the legalization of growing cannabis. I feel compelled to help my friends and clients to better understand the consequences of what we have been led to believe. We all [...]

2019-01-21T18:13:16-08:00By |Laws|

Homes Thieves Target

Did you know that less than 15 percent of residential burglaries are ever solved? Those are very scary statistics! Perpetrators who were never caught, can just keep doing it--and perfecting their craft. But, there are things we can do to discourage home burglary. Most of us work very hard to earn a living. If [...]

Residential Burglaries

Summertime is such a beautiful and carefree time of the year. Kids are out of school, vacations are planned, BBQ's and picnics are the order of the day. Unfortunately, it is also the peak time for residential burglaries. Most people imagine that break-ins take place at night under the shadow of darkness. On the [...]

New Year – New Rules

It has been announced that starting on January 1, 2018, Canadian homebuyers will meet stiffer guidelines in order to qualify for a mortgage with a federally regulated mortgage lender. According to the Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions Canada, it was confirmed October 2017, that starting next year, all borrowers; even those who [...]

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