April 2021 Real Estate Stats

Real Estate Forecast and Stats for 2021 The world-wide pandemic has changed everyone’s lives and caused us to re-evaluate our values and our priorities. There has never been a more important time to truly appreciate our families and “home, sweet home.” Many people are highly motivated to find a larger, cleaner, more comfortable space, [...]

2021-05-10T03:17:41-07:00By |First Time Homebuyers|

First-Time Home Buyers Receiving Help Making Home Ownership More Affordable

The Government of Canada is offering a shared equity mortgage. This allows eligible first-time home buyers, with the minimum down payment for an insured mortgage, to apply to finance a portion of their home purchase. Therefore, first-time home buyers can reduce their monthly mortgage carrying costs. Specifics of the Loan The Government of Canada has [...]

2020-02-18T22:39:18-08:00By |First Time Homebuyers|

Understanding Strata When Purchasing a Condo

Understanding Strata when purchasing a condo is crucial .A Condo is defined as an individual home. It usually has a shared access, unlike townhomes which generally have their own private entrance. Condos are most popular as a starter home for young professionals, small families and singles. Condo living appeals to Seniors who are looking for [...]

Fraser Valley Sales Drop, Home Prices Too?

Okay my friends, we all know that the world is a little bit crazy these days. The whole economy is in a constant state of flux. We live in one of the most beautiful locations in the entire world! We pay dearly for the privilege too! Real estate prices went sky high in the [...]

2019-01-14T19:43:13-08:00By |Downsizing, First Time Homebuyers|

Homes Thieves Target

Did you know that less than 15 percent of residential burglaries are ever solved? Those are very scary statistics! Perpetrators who were never caught, can just keep doing it--and perfecting their craft. But, there are things we can do to discourage home burglary. Most of us work very hard to earn a living. If [...]

Is Summer The Best Season To Be Selling Your Home?

Who doesn't love summer? It is the season of warm weather, vacations and a laid back lifestyle.  We all look forward to the arrival of summer every year. But is summer the best season to be selling your home? Most families try to find a house in the summer months and try to be [...]

Residential Burglaries

Summertime is such a beautiful and carefree time of the year. Kids are out of school, vacations are planned, BBQ's and picnics are the order of the day. Unfortunately, it is also the peak time for residential burglaries. Most people imagine that break-ins take place at night under the shadow of darkness. On the [...]

So, You’re Buying a Place

So, you’re buying a place--you have been saving your money for a long time and exploring your options. You have come to the very exciting (and scary) decision to purchase your first home in the Fraser Valley! What should you do first and how to do you find that perfect home? The most important [...]

Exterior Home Maintenance Tips for Spring

"You will need to be thorough about the completion of your exterior home maintenance 'to-do' list  for the spring season. Being vigilant  about inspecting your home for damage caused by extreme weather conditions will help to preserve the value of your home. Doing home maintenance consistently, whenever the seasons change, will make your job [...]

Interior Home Maintenance in the Spring

"It's almost time for spring cleaning. If you are a homeowner, there is always something that needs to be done around the house, especially when the seasons change. After a long, cold and wet winter, interior home maintenance jobs and repairs are a priority." advises Joan Hansen. "You will need to be diligent and complete [...]

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