Did you know that less than 15 percent of residential burglaries are ever solved? Those are very scary statistics! Perpetrators who were never caught, can just keep doing it–and perfecting their craft. But, there are things we can do to discourage home burglary.

Most of us work very hard to earn a living. If we are fortunate, and save our money, we might even be able to afford some valuable little (or big) treasures. We may even have accumulated invaluable keepsakes passed down from past generations.

It is important that we find ways to make our homes less attractive to thieves. Here are a few examples of what can make a home vulnerable to theft.

Not at Home

About 60 percent of home burglaries happen during weekdays while people are at work. Thieves prefer to burgle unoccupied homes during the day.

Any indication that you’re away on vacation (mail, overgrown yard, no noise, lights off or vehicles in the driveway) is an invitation to steal.

Dogs are always a good deterrent to robbers. Even small dogs that pose no physical danger, may be able to attract attention with their barking.

Near a City

If you live near a city or town with a large population or in a neighborhood known for having drug problems, houses in the area are at high risk of break-ins. Any city with a lot of new people coming into the neighborhood, mean the residents are accustomed to a high number of strangers. This is an ideal environment for thieves.

Isolated Areas

Fewer neighbors in isolated area will make you more vulnerable to burglaries. A corner location usually means less visibility for neighbors to see if a crime is in process. Dead-end streets and cul-de-sacs with fewer outlets are dangerous.


Thieves want places to hide. Bushes and trees growing under and around windows are exactly what they are looking for. Think about planting prickly landscaping and using rocks or gravel so they make noise.

Thieves target homes with architectural features that make concealing themselves easy. Solid, privacy fencing  that obscures visibility of a door or window are ideal for hiding thieves.

Inadequate Security

For thieves who strike at night, poor lighting can make your home an attractive target. Neighbors won’t be able to observe burglaries taking place.

Thieves will target affluent areas with luxurious homes, but they avoid homes with motion sensor lighting, security systems (especially monitored), and/or surveillance cameras.

Easy Access

This seems like a no brainer—but it bears repeating.  Houses whose entry points are not sufficiently secured with locks, doors or windows left unlocked, or homes without a security alarm are much more likely to be successfully robbed.

Previously Burglarized

If you have been burglarized before, you are more likely to be burglarized again. If your thief hasn’t been caught, he may decide to return to rob you after your insurance company has replaced all the stolen articles with new ones. He has already gained access once and he may be more confident because of past success.

Social Media

Don’t post pictures and updates on your travel on social media. While you are on vacation, someone can be cleaning out all your valuables from your home.

Believe it or not, people have been robbed by friends, friends of friends, acquaintances, and service workers like gardeners and manicurists.

Wait until you are home to post photos of the wonderful vacation you were on. Too much information given out randomly can be very dangerous.

With over 37 years of experience in the buying and selling of real estate, I am very conscious of everything you need to look for when purchasing a new home. Call or text Joan Hansen at 604-220-7653 or email me at joan@joanhansen.ca